Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!
I Chronicles 16:8 KJV
God says in the Bible that if He has done miraculous and wonderful things in our life then we should tell others about it.
We are not to hide His glory. We are to shout it from the rooftops!
Even if it is something small that you think no one will care about. That is not up to us to decide. If God did a work in our hearts and lives, telling it to others might bless them as well.
If you are looking for a perfect Christian to mimic, you will have to go elsewhere.
I am in no way perfect but I won’t ever stop growing in my faith. I will make mistakes, I will repent, and I will change. But you should never try to imitate me, for we should all try to imitate Christ.
But I will tell you this, I have a heart like David. He was a man after God’s own heart. My heart desires God more than anything in this world. He is my Savior, my Lord, and my friend. I want to share my soul with the world and let them know the amazing things He has done in my personal life.
And if my experience can resonate with someone or my failures can warn another or my rising up again in my faith can cause another to do the same, then I will rejoice in God’s work through my life.
Sarah Elizabeth
/ November 9, 2024
Sarah Elizabeth
/ November 3, 2023
Have you ever had a moment in your life where something happened that shouldn't have affected you, but it did? You weren't with it very long. It was only there for a moment and then gone the next day. You...
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/ December 21, 2022
We never look too closely at our own lives for fear of what we may see. The truth that we are all broken. But how do we become whole? What do we need to do?
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/ November 5, 2022
Are you without a friend? Are you friendly to the friendless? It takes one person to change a life. Do you need that friend? Will you be that friend?
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/ August 19, 2022
Have you ever felt like your life was not what you were expecting it to be? That you are not who you thought you would become? And that the pressures of life has caused you to lose all hope. And...
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Sarah Elizabeth
/ August 5, 2022
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Sarah Elizabeth
/ July 9, 2022
God doesn't need you to be heard, nor to do His work. But He wants you. To use your life and soul to show the world His voice and His power.
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